
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Coming clean ...

I go for my treatment at the end of March. And as a friend used to say ... we're in February already so this month doesn't count. Then it will be March ... so that doesn't count either ... lol. Amazing how time flies. 

I've been working on my little milestones. Last week I finished decorating my master bedroom. And it puts a smile on my face every morning when I see how great it looks. How crisps the walls look now with the white trims. It's all about the little things people !! My life is full of little things that make me happy. Of simple things I try to accomplish. I try to show my children that too. The other day I was changing all of the bed sheets and as I was getting the old sets off the beds I'd throw them on the stairs. After changing 4 single beds and my king size bed, the mountain of sheets was pretty high. What is my surprise when I'm ready to come down the stairs ? ... they had build a tent all along the staircase ! I laughed out loud !! And loved it at the same time ... I wished I had taken a picture of it to show it to my husband. The little things that make them happy. Of course they made big plans ... bring colouring books, flashlights, could they spend the night there too ? 

I got a check in the mail. A very generous check. Thank you Rotary Club !! It will be put to good use .. especially now that our Loonie keeps dropping. For non-canadians, Loonie stands for Canadian Dollar. It's not doing great right now, but according to me, it can't do worse .. so maybe in a month it will climb up a bit. Oops .. got distracted by the economy. Thanks to David from the Rotary Club again. Very nice man, called me a few weeks ago. Said the Club had learnt about my story and they wanted to help. Funny how things happen. In November I worked for the Elections (figured I'd contribute to this household bills with the $200 I get for working that day) and met this lovely man. The friend that was sitting next to me, also working there (I know, I'm lucky - what are the odds, right ?) happens to know pretty much everyone. So she knew this man that was working two tables away from me. At the end of the day, she tells him my story, briefly. He gives me a card and tells me to send my info and a brief story of the treatment by email. And I did. I heard back from him in December. He sent it to the person in charge. In January I get this call, talk on the phone to David, he said a check would be on the mail the week after. He asks me if I'd be able to talk to the members after the treatment, when I feel better. Of course !! And just when I was starting to wonder about it, I get the check. Wow. Big surprise. Big surprise indeed !!

I don't want to forget to upload my latest picture of Flip Wristbands.

Marianne, Norway

Thank you Marianne for your lovely message. It's still very comforting to suddenly receive these emails from people I don't know and say they'd love a bracelet. This one is all the way in Norway. Thank you to all that have helped me so far. I guess it's time to remind anyone that is reading this blog and wants to sport one of these, to contact me by email and give me your address. All I ask for is the cost of the shipping. I have to thank all the generous souls that give me way more that I intended to receive, you know who you are. It's all there waiting until I go to Russia.

Now I have to come clean. I don't really know if anyone follows this blog. I still can't find if I have actual followers ... maybe I'm just talking to myself .. oh well ... in case there's people that religiously read my posts, I have to tell you I've been cheating on you. Last week, one of my friends in the MS/HSCT community posted someone's blog. And I'm hooked. My only complaint is that she writes very well, which can be a problem if you get easily addicted to good writing. And, she's been blogging since 2008 !! If you're like me, a Virgo, I couldn't just read her last post .. nope ... I had to start reading from the beginning. And it's been a blast. My reading stents are only stopped by my children's/households demands, or when my ipad's battery goes. Reading that blog has made me realize that even though I'm not an accomplished writer (my English vocabulary is not so awesome), I do have something to say. If my point of view in life can help one more person going through MS, I've done my job. So thank you Petunia Face !! I'm thoroughly enjoying reading about your journey.

Lastly, I must remember the four little reasons that keep me focused. 

These are my four loving, cuddly cheerleaders. Plus my husband, parents, family, extended family, friends and lovely neighbors. 

46 more days ...



  1. Just to prove your blog does get read!

    1. hahaaa .. thank you Mindy !! It's great to see someone is reading me. :)

  2. your blog is read my dear neighbor, by your neighbors on Craig court...xo

    1. Merci Lynn !! It was nice to wave to you this chilly morning .. brrrr

  3. I'm listening/reading!
    Thank you for your open and honest blogs.
    That is wonderful news about the generous donation!

    1. Hey Tania !! So glad to have you around. Thank you so much for all your support. :)

  4. Siempre contigo amiga.....y atenta a cada pensamiento y vivencia q tan extraordinariamente escribes y nos dejas una gran enseƱanza. Te quiero mucho!!!!
